Tagged with age reversal

I’m quitting sugar.

I’m quitting sugar.

So it’s decided.  I’m quitting sugar.I’ve dabbled in cutting out sugar in the past by eliminating certain things out of my diet like bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, all added sugars etc. Those few eliminations have mostly stuck but lately I’ve been tucking into fruit like a bat, I’m increasingly dabbling in vegemite on Turkish toast … Continue reading

Aspirin Acid Action!

Aspirin Acid Action!

You will need: 6-8 Soluble Aspirin / Aspro clear Squeeze of lemon juice I was so excited when I came across this peel and it hasn’t disappointed. Salicylic acid is a common active ingredient for treating acne and blemishes and, arguably, the most effective. And like most effective beauty treatments the products they’re in can … Continue reading