Week 1, 365 Project… Letters

The inspiration for Week 1 of our 365 Project was Letters. It was a pretty excellent start to the year easily allowing for broad interpretation.

I also had a pretty excellent start to the year spending a few days with friends at Lake Macquarie which also provided some great fodder for pics.

My friend Bec picked our Week 1 inspiration – visit her blog and check out her cool pics. Week 2 therefore is my turn to choose the inspiration… Oblique. I am kind of wishing I’d picked something a little easier for the second week, I guess we’ll see how we go. If you want to catch my daily photos, follow me on Instragram or Twitter.

Check out the seven photos below and vote for your favourite pic here:

Day 1: Enforcement. Wish I opened this bad boy on New Year’s Eve instead of New Year’s Day.

Day 1 Enforcement

Day 1 Enforcement

Day 2: L for Latte or Lisa?

Day 2 - Latte

Day 2 – Latte

Day 3: A beautiful walk around Lake Macquarie discovered the Royal Dinghy

Day 3 - A Royal Dinghy

Day 3 – A Royal Dinghy

Day 4: Despite being away with three guys, one eight letter word kept popping up….

Day 4 - Boggle

Day 4 – Boggle

Day 5: Ok so this was my cheat day.  I realised I hadn’t taken a pic yet and snapped what was closest to me with letters on it.

Day 5 - Beer

Day 5 – Beer

Day 6: What’s the point of a jetty if not to have dive bomb comps?

Day 6 - #nofun

Day 6 – #nofun

Day 7: Letters on a plate. My most favourite dish in Sushi Train… scallops! Yes I did get a few strange looks from the sushi chefs.

Day 7 - Scallop Sushi

Day 7 – Scallop Sushi

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